Australia - Brown years: 1923-1939.
Ordinary rate transmission form: AB-TO-8

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form number T.G. 41.
Heading is TELEGRAM in a central box.
Message area: 35 boxes in 5 lines.
Reverse side: Single large advertisement in orange.
Colours (text & form): Black on cream paper.
Size of form overall: 126 × 202 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

During the period of use of this form, telegram rates were changed.
From 1 July 1939, rates were based on a reduced number of words - from 16 to 14 - but they allowed the 15 miles provision to include destinations to another State.  


Printed in October 1935.

Used transmission form with Annuello date stamp of 22 April 1938.


  • telegraph charges included in "STAMPS" box;
  • schedule number split across bottom of "STAMPS" box and in lower right corner.

NOTE: this form has discoloured badly over the years and is now quite brown.

AB-TO-8A rev Reverse side of the above form
AB-TO-8A showing advertisement for DELIVERY OF YOUR CORRESPONDENCE printed in orange (blank margin around advertisement has been deliberately trimmed by the scan).

Advertisements on reverse appear to be:

  • on C.1449 ...5176 form -
    "The Prompt Delivery ...", "Birthday Greetings ..." and "A Telephone Costs You ...";
  • on C.1449 ... 6416 form:
    "The Prompt Delivery ...", "Consider the Advantages of a Telephone ...", "Install Extension Telephones ..." and "Register Valuable Mail" (see below);
  • on C.1958 ... 7063 form:
    "Install Extension Telephones" and "Postal Precepts".
Reverse side of a 1935 Form
Sch. C. 1449. - 10/35. 6416
showing the advertisement for the rates for Registration.

Printed in October 1939.



  • telegraph charges are printed in three lines without reference to an inter-state rate;
  • Schedule number has been moved to the left in the Cash Register box.

Advertisement on the reverse side in orange is for "Time - By Telephone!".


Printed in October 1939.


  • no telegraph charges included on this version of the form;
  • Schedule number moved to the left in the Cash Register box.

Advertisement on the reverse side in orange is for "Birthday Greetings ...".

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number
(last 4 digits ar printed in LRC)
Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
TO-8A Sch. C. 1449. - 10/35
P.564/10.35. - 5176.
22 April 1938 at Annuello, Vic. NC
  Sch. C. 1449. - 10/35. 6416 30 November 1937 to Caulfield. NC
  Sch. C. 1958. - 11/1937. 7063. 3 August 1939 at Yelarbon, Qld. NC
TO-8B Sch. C. 2556 - 10/1939 6363   NC
TO-8C Sch. C. 2556. - 10/1939 6363.   NC